Version 0.17.2

User Interface
- Adjusted scaling of UI elements for Zone Info (Mac OSX)
- Fixed filtering of some event types in the Log viewer
- Years are now presented in BC and AD to give better context for some scenarios
- Fortification level now visible in the zone hover tooltip
- Rivers are introduced, which affect movement across the map. They can be painted from the map editor but are not part in the random world generation yet.
- Adjusted how Settlement Attack value is calculated with garrisoned units
- Units no longer regenerate HP if the zones they are in is affected by poor weather
- Cold damage is now taken within your borders, but at 25% of default rate
- AI logic updated to better maintain positive net food production
- Armies now get bonuses when defending from Fortifications
- Fortifications now wave a flag based on which nation constructed it
- Fixed particle system rendering on Mac (OSX)
- Reviewed asset file packing.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where units lost to starvation were not removed from the map
- Fixed issue where highlighted buttons in tutorials would not render correctly (Mac OSX)
- Fixed scaling of snow particles in menu menu to take screen backing scale factor into consideration (Mac OSX)
- Fixed an issue where hitting Escape would sometimes not open the in game menu.
- Fixed an issue where clicking ’Next scenario’ from the victory screen would not select the next scenario.