Blizzards, storms, droughts and floods may now affect food production and your units across the map!

- Zone Food Production buttons now show an animated icon if affected by any weather effects
- Font for ’fancy’ texts have been adjusted to use a more easily-read font.
- Animated some parts of the UI slightly
- Improvements to various tutorials.
- Event log moved to bottom right corner.
- Replaced text with icons with a few buttons, such as Menu and Scenario
- Settlement buttons now framed in its own themed 3slice
- Cursor info window on the right removed and replaced with a Zone Info tooltip which appears after hovering over a zone
- Event Log Viewer screen added which can be opened by clicking ’View more’ in the Event log. The Event Log Viewer can be used to easily get an overview of all events which have been recorded in your nation’s journals, including filtering by event types.
- Food production prediction changed to be a weekly and percentage instead of a number of tonnes.
- Button for selected Settlement is now hidden when it is selected.
- Default settings of Master volume and SFX volume fixed to work for clean installs.
- Setting for Instanced rendering added should any graphical glitches occur.
- Adjusting food gathering zones now immediately updates the food production forecast.
- New game mechanic of Zone effects/Weathers introduced, which may impact food production, but also units. Difficulty affects occurrence of weather effects.
- Storms, reduces food production and increases cold damage significantly during winters, also damages units in other seasons.
- Blizzards, reduces food production and increase cold significantly damage, only occurs during winters.
- Droughts, reduces food production
- Floods, reduces food production
- The scenario ’The Defender’ is now significantly harder to complete.
- AI now keeps track of previously explored zones, improving scouting efficiency and fixing some erratic behavior
- Cold damage taken reduced in neutral nation territory
- New game mechanic for Upgrading Zone Food production. Every year you can improve one Zone per settlement to tactically increase food production. Zone types benefit in different amounts when upgrading based on its type.

- Snow particles in the world introduced during winter
- Blizzards appear as snow-storms over affected zones
- Storms appear as rain-storms over affected zones
- Droughts make trees in affected zones change visuals
- Reduced color intensity of nation colors in previously explored fog of war
- Removed the WIP clouds visuals
- Removed the brightly colored stands the units were previously standing on
- New hotkey ’N’ added to Settle units.

- Creating a new nation will automatically select it.
- New nations default at 500 starting taxes.
- Can now change order of Actions when editing a Scriptable Event
- Can now change order of Events in Scriptable events list
- Icons added in many places (Treaty types, Nations)
- Can now delete nations
- Left and Right mouse button actions for different editor tools now displays in the top bar.
- New scriptable event Actions introduced to dynamically build and spawn armies:
- Add unit to army template
- Spawn Army
- Scriptable event Trigger ’Day’ now has a ’Repeat days’ parameter, which when non-0 will make the event trigger again every X days.
- Can now create and delete armies in the map editor.
Bug fixes
Note that we are still in Early Access!
- Fixed some issues where camera would zoom out without user input.
- Fixed issue where flowers would sometime remaing on the map after spring
- Fixed an issue where Rewarding units worked when it shouldn’t have
- Fixed an issue where players would not get to the Victory screen despite fulfilling all scenario conditions
- Fixed a crash which would occur when entering a multiplayer lobby
- Reduced frequency of bird sfx
- UI system now supports animating scale of UI elements easily (scaleAnimation + animationSpeed).
- Fixed font rendering issue affecting single characters at the end of some lines.
- Instanced rendering now applied to several entity groups, improving rendering performance
- Font rendering can now render beautiful mathematical minus-signs when requested so
- Full-screen maximizing on Windows now takes into consideration a few more pixels border to avoid white line appearing around the borders.
- Fixed a few pointer-safety issues in thread-message synchronization which likely was causing a few bugs and random crashes previously
Planned changes
- Add lightning strikes to the storms
- Add some dust/wind animation to drought-affected zones
- Add some water particles/animation to flood-affected zones